So we headed out and made it past Blue Mesa Lake right away, which was beautiful. After that we followed route 50 to 550 and it was definitely the most beautiful and fun riding I have ever done. Best motorcycle roads, out of the whole trip. |
From that resteraunt we hit the road and made way to Mesa Verde. The rode up to Mesa Verde was great, but I didnt have the helmet cam yet.We weaved up the mountain and to the visitors center, where we realized (aka jordann informed me) that her gas light had been on since we started up the mountain road. We had to plead with a ranger and a construction worker for a total of 2 gallons of gas. Both were very nice and we got to practice our spanish with the construction worker! With a little more assurance that we were not going to be stranded on top of a mesa. We took some great pictures of spruce tree house (an ancient native american commonly called Anasazi, who at one point (for about 100 yrs) lived in cutout villages in the side of mesas/mtns).
next post is day 2 part II